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Search Engine Dominance

In this industry, we're always on the hunt for information and resources, whether it's a mechanical issue, looking for oddball parts, a specific tool, or maybe some information that could improve your business or career. Ultimately we turn to the internet and search engines, such as Google, Bing, and others, and then start sorting the results for relevance. Sometimes we're lucky.

Here's a better idea.

Unlike search engines, where results constantly change, our directories and catalogs are permanent records and very simple to navigate.
Plus, unlike the world wide web, our industry is focused on specific, industry-related information.

This means:

  • it can be sourced and cataloged
  • Once cataloged, you know precisely where it is the next time you need it.
  • We don't need to store the data, only the address to where it is, making it cost-efficient.
  • it is a simple and logical formula to bring all facets of our industry together under one roof.
  • it places all users on a level playing field, regardless of skill level.

But that was just the start.

Web pages are just that; web pages out there, somewhere, on some server, just waiting to be discovered through the internet. That means we are dependent on search engines like Yahoo, Google, and others to return us the results they think we are interested in, along with sites that pay handsomely for a top ranking in order to be chosen to be displayed on the first couple of page results.

So, if a page you are looking for doesn't appear in a query, does that mean it doesn't exist?
No. It just means it wasn't fully optimized to be included in priority search results.

Here's an irony.

Most business information providers have fully digitized their data to be accessed online. But, being available on the internet also means the data can be accessible by anyone with a connection.

So, do you optimize your proprietary information so it can be easily found? Do you still post it on the net but not optimize it in hopes the general consumer doesn't find it? Or, do you not post it to the open net and just hand out the addresses to that data to a select few?

ASBN is the solution to release the grip of SEO.

Since all its members belong to this industry in some capacity, would it not be more efficient to give them a direct link to the data they are looking for?

That means proprietary information slated for this industry can now reach this industry. It will be sourced, cataloged, and made available exclusively to industry members of ASBN. That eliminates the issue of whether or not business information suppliers need to optimize their pages because Search Engine Optimization doesn't count here, only its relevance to this industry.

This process has additional benefits;

  • any ASBN member can post web links they find that are relevant to our industry. This increases the likelihood of non-optimized but equally valuable pages being found. Plus, it alleviates the pressure from individuals having to organize their personal bookmarks folders 
  • since all we need is the address to that data, information suppliers can post the address of a particular directly to ASBN for cataloging, giving our private industry professionals direct access without being concerned about search engine ranking.

Information serves absolutely no purpose unless it can get into the hands of the people it was destined for.


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