A tow truck drove in one day, with an Olds 88 in tow. The driver and owner get out and the driver explains to me that something in the drive train is siezed. The engine runs god but the car doesn't move.
The customer paid the fare and thanked the tow truck driver for all his help. He then turned to me and explained what happened.
Visiting from New Zealand, he had rented the car and stopped at the fruit stand just down the road. After his shopping he tried to drive it away and it just wouldn't go.
He returned to the fruit stand to ask for some help when he met a fellow shopper who was a mechanic at a GM dealership, but in another city.
The mechanic checked fluids and some other things but couldn't get it to move. He then offered to call a tow truck and have it towed. The owner of the fruit stand suggested my place.
After hearing the story, I got in, started it up, put in in gear and released the e-brake and it rolled forward.
"What did you do?' asked the customer with excitement.
I said "I don't know, I just put it in gear and released the brake."
He asked "So, that lever releases the emergency brake?"
"Yup". Then I asked "Did the mechanic or the tow truck driver pull on this lever?"